Skin ageing causes & triggers

Internal causes of skin ageing 

Some of the causes of ageing are inevitable, these factors are natural, intrinsic or chronological ageing. Our biological age determines structural changes in the skin & efficiency of cell functions & these slow down over time. 

Hormone influences: Decreasing levels of estrogen result in reduced messaging between the cells.

A poorer blood supply to the skin means the delivery of nutrients & oxygen to the skins surface is impeded. The radiance that is a feature of young skin fades & skin becomes duller.

Genetics play a key role in how skin ages. The phototype & skin type we are born with make a difference to how quickly signs of ageing appear on the skins surface. For example, fair sensitive skin is more prone to wrinkles at an earlier age then darker skin types.  

External causes of skin ageing 

Sun. The sun’s rays are the primary external cause of skin ageing via oxidative stress. Skin damage caused by the sun is known as photo ageing, & uneven pigmentation is often one of the first visible signs of ageing to appear. UV rays prompt the formation of free radicals in the skin, which damage elastin fibres, & contribute to wrinkles & skin cancer. 80% of visible signs of ageing are caused by the sun.

Pollution. Exposure to air pollution can trigger the release of skin damaging free radicals. Pollution also worsens the effects of sun exposure, further accelerating oxidative stress.

Smoking. The chemicals & nicotine contained in cigarettes increase the number of free radicles in the skin. Like pollution, they also intensify the effects of sun exposure.

Nutrition. Antioxidants are molecules with the ability to neutralize the free radicles that damage the skin & speed up skin ageing. Eating lots of antioxidant rich fruits & vegetables is an important part of caring for our skin as it ages.

Inappropriate skincare. Skin will age more quickly if it is poorly cared for, or if you use products that irritate your skin. Thorough cleansing using gentle products appropriate for your skin type, together with the regular application of products targeted at your skins primary concern will help to care for skin.